December 22, 2006

Playstation 3 and Linux or Mac OS X

The PlayStation 3, aka PS3 will not only be one heck of a gaming console, it will also support at least
three different operating systems. Besides Windows, Linux and Mac OS X will work on the console.
At the moment only Yellow Dog Linux is officially supported, but I take it this is only for the moment and more distributions will follow for sure. Gentoo has been working on the new cell processor from IBM so I guess they will be supported soon too.

Concerning kernels, Sony has released patches to the 2.6.20 kernel to support the specific memory architecture on the PS3. These patches should also enable SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) and DMA (direct memory access). Fedora, Red Hat, SuSE, Ubuntu, Xandros and other distributions should not have any difficulties to deliver their own PlayStation distribution in the near future.

Besides the Linux, Windows and Mac OS support, PlayStation will provide online services such as, voice and video calls and multi player gaming. Owners of this uber gaming console will be able to buy their games and entertainment by direct online downloads. No more running to the mall fighting be the first in line for new game releases, just download it from your couch or sofa.

I must admit that I am really looking forward to see what the PlayStation can perform running Linux.