January 4, 2006

A heavy flaw in WMF has been reported. Patch your windows systems asap!

A heavy flaw in WMF has been reported.

The WMF vulnerability uses images (WMF images) to execute arbitrary
code. It will execute just by viewing the image. In most cases, you
don't have click anything. Even images stored on your system may cause
the exploit to be triggered if it is indexed by some indexing
software. Viewing a directory in Explorer with 'Icon size' images will
cause the exploit to be triggered as well. Microsoft announced that an
official patch will not be available before January 10th 2006 (next
regular update cycle). But there several workarounds available. This
is one of them. I haven't tested this Hotfix, so I can't guarantee
anything, but the guys at SANS usually know what they're doing.

MSI WMF Hotfix link http://handlers.sans.org/tliston/WMFHotfix-1.4.msi

More information about the WMF flaw can be found at isc.sans.org