March 28, 2006

Unix Linux files hacks for better security. SUID/SetUID/SGID removal

A few simple shell commands to use. Checking for the "dangerous" "superuser" files.

For security reasons, you should try and avoid having SUID/SetUID/SGID bit on files on your systems. Have a cron job to check for files with the SUID/SetUID/SGID bit set. Consult the documenations, like the man pages, and have the SUID/SGID removed if possible. Test the application in a test environment, and check if it's fully operational before changing permissions on your live/production systems.

Here is a few simple commands you could setup to run with cron, on a daily basis, to
check for SUID/SetUID bit files on you systems.

To find files with the SUID bit set, you could run

# find / -type f -perm 04000 -ls

[root@SUID ~]# ls -lrt /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg
-rws--x--x 1 root root 1996468 Dec 9 2004 /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg <--- SUID file example.

To find files with the SGID bit set, you could run

# find / -type f -perm 02000 -ls

To find World-Writable Files

find / -perm -2 -type f -print

Change all files that has no valid reason to be world writable.

Hardening SuSE, Red Hat, Fedora, Gentoo, Solaris, Debian and Slackware tools.

Red Hat (Fedora Core, Enterprise, and Numbered/Classic), SUSE, Debian, Gentoo, and Mandrake distributions, along with HP-UX and Mac OS X.

Sun Solaris Hardening
Sun has released JASS v0.11, a hardening tool for Solaris. here, we take it for a test drive.

JASS stands JumpStart Architecture and Security Scripts (Toolkit).

Yassp Security Draft