Spring time cold, Unix Linux hacking food rant.
Day 7 of a stubborn cold and I am going to go bezerk on my soar throat and thick nose.
It's just so frustrating have a high fever. You can't read, eat, walk, talk. Just lay down and
sweat for days. Nothing productive in that!! I always get seriously mad at myself for getting a cold
or the flue, because I'm usually an expert in avoiding it. Avoiding it you might think to yourself.
Well, actually, just being pro-active with vitamines, garlic, chili, ginger and good hand hygiene.
This has worked for years for me, but not this spring. And I am in the middle of changing jobs, and
having tons of documenation to do, people to meet, meetings to be held etc...
So after taking a combination of pain killers and some fresh ginger, I'm good for a couple of hours of work.
To be very pro-active, I think I am going to stay at home all easter, doing nothing but some reading and watching TV with my family. A real Homer weekend. Dooo! :-)
And only eat very spicy food, to nuke the flue.