Latest Fedora Updates
Don't forget to Yum you installation! Here is a short list of the latest Fedora Core updates that are available.
- Fedora Core 5 Update: php-pear-1.4.9-1.2
- Fedora Core 5 Update: parted-1.7.1-15.fc5
- Fedora Core 5 Update: slang-2.0.6-1.fc5
- Fedora Core 5 Update: tcsh-6.14-6.fc5.3
- Fedora Core 5 Update: selinux-policy-2.3.7-2.fc5
If you aren't familiar with how to update your Fedora distribution, don't worry, here is how.
Switch to super-user root
$ su -
As user root run this commands
# yum update
Yum will fetch a list of recently updated packages and compare them to you own installation and then produce a list of packages that you could/should download. A simple confirmation of Yes or No is all it takes. Yum will take in consideration dependencies so you don't have to worry about that either.
Happy Updating!
Oh, and if you have the extra installed here is the list for those packages. Security related and others.
Fedora Extras dump-package security update (CVE-2006-3668)
[SECURITY] Fedora Extras 5 update: dia-0.95-3
[SECURITY] Fedora Core 4 Update: postgresql-8.0.8-1.FC4.1
Fedora Core 5 Update: mcelog-0.7-1.20_FC5
Fedora Core 5 Update: tog-pegasus-2.5.1-4.FC5
Fedora Core 5 Update: mcelog-0.7-1.20_FC5
Fedora Core 5 Update: tog-pegasus-2.5.1-4.FC5