December 5, 2006

Simple network scripts

Changing your network settings can be performed with either the system-config-network command or by editing the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX file.

However, if you are like me, and need to change the ip address sometimes on the fly, you will not want to a simple script to perform the task instead. A simple shell script will do the job nicely. Perl or python will also do the job. I prefer writing small scripts in Perl, so here is a simple network script you can try.

Backup your resolv.conf file before running the script or add this line to your script.
The # represents a line with comments. This line is ignored by Perl when reading the code.

system("cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/");

Let's call the script
The .pl stands for Perl executable.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

system("ifconfig eth0 down");
system("ifconfig eth0 netmask");
system("route add default gw");

# Quick and dirty edit of your nameserver settings.
system("cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/");
system("echo "nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf");

# The echo command with the >, will overwrite your resolv.conf file.
# Check that your host can reach the default gateway. Two packets should do.

system("ping -c 2");

# Check that the DNS is resolving addresses.
system("dig -x somedomain");

If your dig -x somedomain executes successfully, you should be ready to network.

Next, I just copy this file and name it to, and edit the values for the network.

This way, you can quickly switch between numerous different networks with just calling your scripts with Perl.

# perl
# perl
etc ..

This is just a very simple script. A lot more sophistication can be added to the scripts of course.