More advanced Unix Hacks
I will be posting some more non basic Unix and Linux hacks here soon. This blog was created to give all new to Unix or Linux some help on the way, and give some answers and solutions to common beginner problems, like networking, editing files, starting and stopping services, basic firewall scripts, file permissions and other known pitfalls. This is not a new idea of a blog in anyway, and certainly not the best one out there, but I felt the urge to try and help rookies out. I know to many who got fed up after trying to use a Unix or Linux system for a short while, and never got the chance to experience the true beauty of total control over an operating system.
Often because they never knew how to troubleshoot their system. This is what I try to avoid by posting some hopefully easy to grab solutions here.
So, besides the more basic hacks, there will be posts that requires some more advanced knowledge about Unix or Linux. Hopefully, my posts will be understandable by less experienced users too.